Follow what? Anything. Follow me on my dream of making the world's best cupcakes, or find your own goal to chase. I'm on a mission to reach mine, maybe you'll get inspired to find what you've been running towards.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Brand

My Values:

The things that I value the most are the things that God has graciously given me and cannot me replaced: my friends, family, faith, intelligence, and work ethic. I believe in living life to the fullest and being thankful for everyday that I've been given.

The thing that I put the highest value on is honesty and loyalty. There's too much lying and backstabbing in this world for my taste. I like to surround myself with genuine people who speak from their hearts and aren't always just trying push people out of the way to get ahead. I believe in working hard to get where you want to be; nothing that's worthwhile is just going to be handed to you on a silver platter.

Things I love:

I love being able to express myself. Whether it's through words, art, sarcasm, music, acting...whatever gets my thoughts out there. I love being on-stage. The feeling I get when the crowd is laughing hysterically, or so tense from the drama is something that I haven't been able to find anywhere else. I love making people happy in any way that I can and doing random acts of kindness. Anything creative is right up my alley. Turning food into works of art is my new passion and drive (though sometimes I have a new one every week).

I love being unconventional and unique. Not a rebel, but just finding my own path in life. I love kids, and their imaginations. There are days when I wish I could go back to being 5 years old for just an hour. I love the simple things: flowers, the smell of apples and cinnamon from a kitchen, popping bubble wrap, macaroni and cheese, funny socks, little umbrellas in drinks, pink nail polish, arts and crafts, blankets from the dryer, stupid puns, flip-flops, a mystery book, my great-grandmother's taste in jewelry, cheeseburgers and fries, a cold Dr. Pepper, and shooting rubber bands at people.

Things I hate:

I hate when people walk slow when I'm in a hurry, yet I hate being in a hurry. I hate when people are mean to others just to make themselves feel better. I absolutely despise people who put looks above everything else. I hate when people are impatient. I hate when others are selfish. I hate that good times seem too short and tough times seem too long. I hate watching people hurting when there's nothing I can do to help them.

What I'm insanely great at doing:

My greatest attribute is being able to put myself in someone else's shoes. I've always been an empathetic person, and difficult situations have taught me to think about how the consequences of my own actions would make someone else feel. I hate feeling bad, so I try to make sure that I don't make others feel that way.

I'd like to think that I'm a great actress. The stage is one of the few places where I don't feel nervous or self-conscious. Acting is something that has always come easy to me. It's my way of helping people laugh or cry, because sometimes you need a good dose of both. Being a part of the Speech team and One-Act Play in high school was really all I was known for. It's the one thing that I could always count on to make me feel like I was really accomplishing something worthwhile. Even without medals, the rush and the audience's respect was enough to make me feel like I was somebody special.

What I am proud of:

I am proud of the fact that I've grown as a person. When I was younger, I used to be very shy and drawn into myself. It took a lot for me to break out, and it took help from a lot of people. Getting over my shyness helped me find my love of acting. If I never would've been given then courage by my brother, I never would've found the things that gave me so much joy throughout high school. I am ridiculously proud to be a Speech geek. Who else can say that they have gold medals for making a complete fool out of themselves? No matter what other people say, that's a pretty cool thing in my book.

What I want to be:

Ultimately, I strive to be happy. My definition of happiness is to find a career I love, a husband I can't live without, and a family that keeps me going. I want to be the best chef/cake decorator (hopefully), wife, and mother I can possibly be. Someday, I hope to be a role model for someone like the ones that I've had. I want to be looked up to and not down upon.

I want to be using my talents to help others and make them happy. Hopefully, I'll find a perfect door that opens and gives me the opportunity to so. Even if it's something small, I want to be courageous enough to use the talents that God has given me without being afraid of failure or ridicule.

Most of all, I want to not want anything for myself. I hope to be a completely selfless and giving person, putting others before myself.

What is important and valuable to me:

To me, it's important to know who the real me is. Right now, I have a million dreams and aspirations that fill my head every day. The first step to reaching any of those is to have my head firmly wrapped around who I am, and not who the world around me pushes me to be. It's important to make mistakes and learn something from them. I want to be true to my dreams and my beliefs right up until the day I die. I value being able to stick to my guns and not give in to the crowd.

What I want to be known for:

I want to be known for my smile, and the ability to brighten someone's day. Fame and money aren't what's important to me. I want to be known as optimist who can make any situation a great one. Striving to be a great person as a whole is my lifetime goal. I want to be known as someone who actually worked to make a difference. I want to leave an imprint on this world, even if it's just with one person.

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