Follow what? Anything. Follow me on my dream of making the world's best cupcakes, or find your own goal to chase. I'm on a mission to reach mine, maybe you'll get inspired to find what you've been running towards.

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Beginning.

Hello! My name is Kimberly Schumacher and I am 19 years old. I am originally from a smallllllllllllllllll town called Lindsay, Nebraska. When I say small, I mean really, super duper, horrifically, fantasmically, unbelievably, wonderfully small. I had 12 kids in my class, and I was related to 4 of them. Awkward? Strangely not. When my first lecture class at UNL was bigger than my entire town, I would've traded back in a heartbeat. Well, not really. I absolutely love it here at UNL. I'm currently a Hospitality, Restaurant, & Tourism Management major. What in the world am I hoping to do with that? Well, that's part of where this crazy blog idea comes from.
I've worked some of the worst jobs known to man. Three of my summers have been spent detasseling cornfields, two were wasted in a flytrap factory (I'm not kidding. It was awful.), and this one I'll be serving my time as a telemarketer. I currently work at the UNL Admissions Office, answering phones at a desk all day. All day. Boring? Absolutely. I'm the type of person that needs creativity in my routine, or else I'll wither up and die. That's where all of this cupcake nonsense comes in. The way I see it, I love to make people happy and be creative. What makes people (and me!) happy? Food! Can I make it creative? Yes!
For me, the culinary arts seems like the perfect place for me to showcase my talents and grow creatively. Maybe I won't even reach this goal, or I might even find something else that I like better along my journey. For now, this is my dream and I intend to follow it all the way. Hopefully this blog will help me stay on track and help others follow me as well.

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