Follow what? Anything. Follow me on my dream of making the world's best cupcakes, or find your own goal to chase. I'm on a mission to reach mine, maybe you'll get inspired to find what you've been running towards.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Bring it ON, summer!

So. Apparently I suck. I mean, I knew I wasn't going to be very good at keeping this thing going every single day, but I figured that I'd at least throw a post or two in once a week. Wishful thinking, Kimberly! Since summer started, my mind has been nowhere else but work, fun, and missing my far-away college friends. Basically I've been creatively and imaginatively sucking it up royally! My goal and other creative passions have been so far from my mind that I need to work on it double duty to make up for lost time.

Soooo, what did I do? When I realized that I can do pretty much whatever I want while I'm on the phone for 5 hours at work, I made a rather pricey trip to Hobby Lobby to help knock down my creativity blockage. I bought a GINORMOUS cupcake book with all of these hilarious and jaw-dropping cupcake designs. There's even a page on how to re-create a TV dinner with cupcakes...can you say genius? I also bought oodles of macrame string and beads to go back to my 12-year old summer hobby of making bracelets. Not going to lie, I'm a little out of practice, but I figure I have 5 hours a day to re-perfect my skills. By far, by my best new buy was a box of 96 crayons. Seriously. I have NEVER been so excited to color in my life! I always wanted the big box when I was in Kindergarten and my teacher, Mrs. Rautenburg, had one. That may have been the most jealous a 6-year-old could ever be. I can now cross off one more thing on my bucket list.

I've been revamping my imagination for about a week now, and it's definitely starting to show. My mother and I got into an argument the other day, because the interior designer came out of me and I decided that I was going to draw up some changes and do some "rearranging" in our house. When she came home, she wasn't too thrilled when I had the whole house torn apart, and piles marked of things that just didn't "go" with what I wanted to do with the rooms.

Maybe I'll just stick to being creative with my own things for a while....

Either way, I'm feeling like the normal, crazy me again. I've been running and working out, laughing more, trying to make others laugh more, taking time for silly things, singing in the shower, painting my fingernails, laying out, reading, living in shorts and a cut-off tee, baking, quoting Juno, and pretty much just doing anything that makes me happy. Summer is a time for me to get back to the roots of what I really want out of my life, and get back to the place where I'm confident enough to go out and get it. These days, I feel like I can accomplish anything. I'm ready to get out of this rut and head in a new direction! I don't know where the hell that's going to be, but I'm definitely excited about it.

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