Follow what? Anything. Follow me on my dream of making the world's best cupcakes, or find your own goal to chase. I'm on a mission to reach mine, maybe you'll get inspired to find what you've been running towards.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Itchy Arms.

That should have been my first clue. Ever since I was little, whenever I was scared, worried, or anxious, my arms would start to itch like crazy. So I would scratch and scratch and scratch them until they were completely red and raw. I would hardly even notice that I was doing it until my mom would see my arms and say, "Kimberly Ann! What in the world are you so worried about?!". This time though, I didn't have my mom here to open my eyes to it.

Truth is, I've probably been scared and anxious for longer than I know. Scared of change. It's not something that I've ever dealt with very well. And now, when I feel like every single aspect of my life is going to be different, it's like I just can't deal with it at all. The sophomore slump is an uphill battle, and it definitely ain't my scene (good ole Jason Mraz...).

I'm hoping that summer will be a breath of fresh air, but with the daunting reality of working two jobs just to pay rent, and trying to afford to eat's not looking promising. I know that I hate change and all, but I'm still praying for that one instance of good change. The one that makes me look up, smile, take a deep breath, and be thankful for every second I'm able to do so. It'll come. Eventually. I'm just hoping that I don't miss out on it when it does.

"Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Doodling like a boss.

Ok, so this was my final project for my design class this semester. Well, part of it. But, this was the part that I was most impressed with. I'm fairly positive that a small child who can't read could've done just as well as I did on the other part. Woops. Anyway, this is just a fun little video I made, hope you enjoy! And if you don't, then screw off.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sorry 'bout it.

I apologize for not keeping up with this blog once again, blah, blah, blah.


I've recently become addicted to Twitter and I know, I know, specific conformities that I always said I would never be brainwashed by. But, honestly, it's more fun than homework. So, I'll probably be adding tons of random, useless things that I find on there. Enjoy :)

Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe


1 pouch (1 lb 1.5 oz) Betty Crocker® sugar cookie mix
1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened
1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon mint extract
6 to 8 drops green food color
1 egg
1 cup creme de menthe baking chips
1 cup semisweet chocolate chunks


1. Heat oven to 350°F. In large bowl, stir cookie mix, butter, extract, food color and egg until soft dough forms. Stir in creme de menthe baking chips and chocolate chunks.

2. Using small cookie scoop or teaspoon, drop dough 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheet.

3. Bake 8 to 10 minutes or until set. Cool 3 minutes; remove from cookie sheet to wire rack. Serve warm or cool completely. Store tightly covered at room temperature.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Soup's only for when you're sick.


Shaking in my boots.


I've never even made that before.

Now I have to demonstrate how to make it at an event?

In front of 100 people?


Looks like I get to stare fear straight in the eye in two weeks.

I'm going to need a sword.

A big one.

Or a machine gun.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Setting up for Disaster and Disappointment.

Mmmmmk. So I know these aren't great, but I've been fighting more with frosting than I ever have lately. It's ridiculously enraging. But, I brought these to Christmas and they were all eaten, so I'll count it as a win anyway.

I absolutely hate New Year's resolutions, but since I'm bored as hell and have had all break to think about my many failures and empty life, I figured it couldn't hurt.

1. To run the Lincoln Half-Marathon.

Seriously, it's probably going to kill me. I'll be begging for death by the 5th mile. But I figure, if I actually do finish it, I'm going to prove a hell of a lot of people wrong. Myself included.

2. To say "Yes" to things more often.

I know that I miss out on a lot of opportunities because I'm too scared of change, or of something completely awful and far-fetched coming out of it. I've missed out on great experiences, guys, meeting new people, and job opportunities. Taking the responsibility of making a decision that could send my life in a different direction scares the piss out of me. I guess I just need to learn to learn to take the leap when given an opportunity. And maybe wear diapers while I do it...

3. And the ever popular: "Figure out what I want to do with my life."

That should be simple, right? I mean, this whole blog is about cupcakes for a reason. I still want to do that, don't get me wrong, but I need to actually sit down and make it happen. Find and internship, spend my free time experimenting, etc. I have this crazy idea that being happy is about being fearless. As time goes on, I'm finding out how completely false that is. If there isn't an element of fear of the unknown, then there's no reason to keep going. I need to use the fear as something to propel me towards my goal, and not something that holds me back.

So, there are the goals I've set for myself that may last a week at the most. I guess it's worth a shot.