Follow what? Anything. Follow me on my dream of making the world's best cupcakes, or find your own goal to chase. I'm on a mission to reach mine, maybe you'll get inspired to find what you've been running towards.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Itchy Arms.

That should have been my first clue. Ever since I was little, whenever I was scared, worried, or anxious, my arms would start to itch like crazy. So I would scratch and scratch and scratch them until they were completely red and raw. I would hardly even notice that I was doing it until my mom would see my arms and say, "Kimberly Ann! What in the world are you so worried about?!". This time though, I didn't have my mom here to open my eyes to it.

Truth is, I've probably been scared and anxious for longer than I know. Scared of change. It's not something that I've ever dealt with very well. And now, when I feel like every single aspect of my life is going to be different, it's like I just can't deal with it at all. The sophomore slump is an uphill battle, and it definitely ain't my scene (good ole Jason Mraz...).

I'm hoping that summer will be a breath of fresh air, but with the daunting reality of working two jobs just to pay rent, and trying to afford to eat's not looking promising. I know that I hate change and all, but I'm still praying for that one instance of good change. The one that makes me look up, smile, take a deep breath, and be thankful for every second I'm able to do so. It'll come. Eventually. I'm just hoping that I don't miss out on it when it does.

"Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."